L’IDEE QUI FUT/ (The Idea That Was)
@Giovanni Testori Foundation/ "Giorni Felici" /Milan, Italy
@FRancis Carrette Gallery Be.
Intervention / scratching on 6 canvases of the early years of the 19thcentury (circa)
Found in an art studio in Brussels, these canvases have been prepared at the beginning of the 19thcentury but they have never been painted; that means that their colours have been suffering the deterioration and the yellowing due to the course of time.
The work then consists in scratching the superficial layer of the canvas, while making visible the underlying tissue in order to form the writing «l’idée qui fut».
While the interventions done in the «idée qui fut 1» reactualize the past in the present, the following series of works , idée qui fut2 and idée qui fut3, show a temporal evolution that strongly projects them to the future, gaining inspiration from the grammar verbal tense of the future continuous.
These works have been realized in the courtyard and in the garden of the Aurelio Petroni Foundation, where I was hosted for an artistic residence during Summer 2014.